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2024 Denver and Colorado Springs Piano

What is a Suzuki Piano Play-In? Think of a “symphony” of pianos, all playing in perfect harmony. A Play-In is a wonderful event that showcases one of the core principles of the Suzuki philosophy: the power of review to build ability and confidence. In the Suzuki approach, students share a common repertoire, allowing them to create beautiful music together.

Early level students are motivated and inspired by the performances of their more advanced peers. Upper level students have the opportunity to revisit repertoire from previous books and polish their skills, all with the goal of joining the ensemble with their fellow peers. It's an exciting challenge that pushes them to further refine their technique and musicality. The Piano Play-In is open to Suzuki piano students of all levels!

Colorado boasts one of the few Piano Play-Ins in the country!

Thank you Classic Pianos (Denver) and Graner Music Store (Colorado Springs)! And of course, CO Suzuki teachers!
More info, including prepared pieces, etc. here.


Welcome New Board Members!

SAC is proud to announce new board members: Joanna Johnson and Wendy Lambrech. 

Joanna Johnson is the Violin/Viola Director of Noteworthy Strings and will join the board as Co-VP, Chair of Strings Play-In
With a passion for music education and a warm heart for her students and their families, Joanna Malm has been an inspirational teacher since she began her private music studio in 2003. Joanna has a BA in Music and has completed a post-graduate Certificate in Suzuki Pedagogy at the University of Denver. She has studied pedagogy with James Maurer, William Preucil Sr., Mark Bjork, and Edmund Sprunger. Committed to life-long learning, she has training in injury-prevention for musicians with Valerie Gardner, has completed teacher training in Music Mind Games with Michiko Yurko, and has studied the Ploger Method of Music Perception and Cognition with Marianne Ploger at Vanderbilt University. Joanna has performed violin and viola throughout the US and England and is currently the Assistant Principal Violist of the Arapahoe Philharmonic. More info here:

Wendy Lambrech is the owner of Lambrech Music Studio and will join the board as Colorado Springs regional representative. Lambrech Music Studio is a Suzuki Piano Studio started in early 2014 by Wendy Lambrech in order to provide the wonderful opportunities that the Suzuki method affords to those students in the Monument, Palmer Lake, and northern Colorado Springs region.

Wendy was classically trained in piano from the age of 8, taking lessons from pianist Leah Porter and also studied trombone with Dr. Raymond Horton. While attending Indiana University, Wendy pursued studies in Music Education, Piano, and Trombone, receiving a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Mathematics Education as well as a Computer Science Education endorsement.

After moving to Colorado and starting a family, Wendy decided to return to the wonderful world of music education inspired by Dr. Suzuki’s vision of teaching and after watching her own three children excel with the Suzuki method. She studied Suzuki theory and piano with Jane Kutscher Reed, Joan Krzywicki, and Nancy Modell at the Colorado Suzuki Institute in Beaver Creek, CO and has taken additional training in Suzuki early childhood education courses. She is an active member of the Pikes Peak Suzuki Music Association, the Suzuki Association of Colorado, and the Suzuki Association of the Americas. More info here:

Seeking candidates for President

We are seeking candidates for the President position. We are looking for candidates who are passionate about Suzuki, who are organized, who work well with others, and are Positive. Examples of this include, inviting your students to the SAC events, attending SAC events, contributing to SAC board meetings with ideas, and working with other board members to expand and strengthen SAC's development in the coming years. 

To encourage more qualified candidates to step forward, the SAC board, through a grant from a donor, will award the new President of the 2024-2025 term, up to $500 to cover the cost of attending a national SAA event during this term. Another grant of up to $500 will cover the cost of attending a national SSA event to other members of the board. More info here!

2024-2025 Calendar of Events

Piano Play-Ins

Colorado Springs: at Graner Music Store
Saturday, Sept. 28th 9:15 - 10 am (arrive a few minutes early)

4460 Barnes Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80917
Registration Fee: $15 
Click here for more information and to register.

Denver: at Classic Pianos
Saturday, October 5, 10:30 - Noon; arrive by 10:15 am to check in.

1332 S Broadway, Denver, CO 80210
Registration Fee: $20 before Sept 7; $25 Sept 8 and after
Click here for more information and to register.

January, 2025:
Strings Play-In, Master Class, and Talk (with Lunch) at St. Phillips, Denver (To be confirmed)

Winter 2024-2025
Zoom piano and strings master classes to be announced

February 14, 2025:
Scholarship Application Deadline
June 2024
Colorado Suzuki Institute at Beaver Creek
July 2024
Peaks to Plains Suzuki Institute

Purchase Institute tix at their respective websites. Calendar is subject to change. Ticket purchasing opportunities for each event will become available as we approach the event. 

2024 SAC Scholarship Winners' Testimonials

SAC is pleased to share the following from this year's scholarship winners on their experiences attending Suzuki Institutes this year. Read the complete testimonials here.
1. Kristen Folden, Piano Teacher, attended virtually the Suzuki Institute at the Music Institute of Chicago
2. Katie Burns, Cello and Violin Teacher, attended the Southwestern Ontario Suzuki Institute
These recipients had 100% of their registration fees paid for.
3. Ojas Sinha, Student Pianist, attended Peaks to Plains Institute
4. Jonah Pierce, Student Violinist, attended Peaks to Plains Institute
5. Abner Covarrubias, Student Violinist, attended Colorado Suzuki Institute at Beaver Creek
These recipients had 60% of their registration fees paid for, and 100% of the fees paid for if they had financial need.
6. Jacque Pierce, Violinist, attended Peaks to Plains Institute
7. Breanna Duffy, Violinist, attended Peaks to Plains Institute
8. Austin Ray, Violinist, attended Colorado Suzuki Institute at Beaver Creek
9. Constance Stone, Pianist, attended Colorado Suzuki Institute at Beaver Creek
The board encourages everyone to apply next year! Remember, in an effort to award more qualified applicants throughout the SAC community, recipients can only apply every five years.
Check out more information about the institutes right here in Colorado:
Beaver Creek
Peaks to Plains
SAC thanks Colorado Suzuki Institute Beaver Creek, for partnering with us and paying for 50% of each scholarship award where the student will be attending CSI Beaver Creek.

2023 SAC Community Questionnaire-- More Results Released Shortly

A big thank you to all who participated. We received close to 50 responses which have provided a good deal of insight. SAC's board would like to ensure that we are doing all that we can to help the community thrive and are using your membership fees responsibly. Thank you for your help.


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